

Zanzibar is an archipelago located off the eastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. It is a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania, with its own government and president. The archipelago consists of several islands, with the two main ones being Unguja (commonly referred to as Zanzibar Island) and Pemba Island.

Zanzibar has a rich and diverse history. It was an important trading hub for centuries, attracting merchants from around the world, including Arab, Persian, Indian, and European traders. The islands were particularly renowned for their spices, such as cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon, which were highly sought after in the ancient spice trade.

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The influence of various cultures is evident in Zanzibar’s architecture, cuisine, and people. Stone Town, the historical core of Zanzibar City (the capital), is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and showcases a unique blend of Swahili, Arab, Persian, and European architectural styles.

Zanzibar preview

The islands of Zanzibar are known for their stunning white sandy beaches, clear turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Tourism plays a significant role in the economy, with visitors drawn to the archipelago’s natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Popular activities for tourists include snorkeling, scuba diving, spice tours, and exploring the narrow winding streets of Stone Town.
